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Today’s post comes courtesy of fellow S&S reader, Cynthia. She’s got some great tips for priming your finances to make sure you qualify to borrow money when you need it.

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Be Ready to Borrow Whenever You Need To

When you need to take out a loan, you don’t really want to wait a long time; you want to be ready to get that money quickly.

Even if it’s not an urgent financial matter, you probably don’t want to spend ages getting ready to apply and then waiting to hear back from lenders. The same is true for any other type of credit, from credit cards to car finance. The only thing you might be more prepared to spend time getting ready for is a mortgage.

If you want to make sure you’re ready to successfully apply for a loan, credit card or any other type of finance at any moment, you need to keep your finances healthy. Here’s how to make sure you’re successful at securing financing every time.

Watch Over Your Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the most important factors when you want to borrow money or finance a purchase.

Lenders use it to try and work out if they can trust you and how likely you are to pay back the money on time. A strong credit score will mean you have more choices when it comes to getting a new credit card, taking out a loan or even buying a house.

The first thing you need to do if you want to have a good credit score is to make sure you know what it is. If you read this, you can find out about one of your options for checking your score. There are different credit organizations that will give you scores along scales that aren’t exactly the same. What’s more important than the number itself is where it sits on the scale that they use and how it compares to other people.

Make an Effort to Improve Your Credit Score

Once you know what your credit score is, and you can check it regularly, you can start improving it.

You might not have much of a credit score at all, especially if you’re just starting out in your adult life. On the other hand, you might have a score that has been affected by your past finances or current debts.

There’s a lot you can do to improve your credit score, but ultimately it comes down to cleaning up your finances and showing that you are capable of making regular payments. Using a credit card to make regular purchases is a good way to do this, allowing you to pay it off at the end of each month and build your credit.

Spend Sensibly

Being sensible with your money will help you make sure that you’re always ready to borrow money if you need to.

If you always spend all of your income each month, with no room for savings, you’ll have to make a big adjustment if you ever want to borrow any money. What you previously spent on other things will need to go toward repaying your debt, which might require some changes before you even apply for a loan or another type of credit.

If you budget sensibly at all times, you’ll always be in a better position to apply for credit because you’ll have more options that are affordable for you.

Apply to the Right Lender

Choosing the right lender is an important part of applying for any type of financing or credit.

Some lenders could be more likely to approve your application, so it’s a good idea to be aware of which ones are easier to use. However, you should also know about which lenders are more trustworthy. Some of those that will approve anyone aren’t necessarily the types of lender you want to go with.

You need a lender that approves applicants similar to you but also one that you can trust and that you know does their business ethically.

Apply for Credit You Can Afford

If you’re going to apply for a loan, a credit card or anything else, it’s best to make sure that you can afford the repayments before applying. If the lender thinks you won’t be able to afford it, they will reject you, and the application will have been pointless.

It’s essential to check that you will be able to manage the repayments before applying and keep in mind that a lender might have different standards for you. While you might think you can afford it, they might not agree.

Get the Timing Right

If you’re looking for a loan or any other type of credit, you might consider applying to several lenders. You especially might need to do this if you get rejected by one or two, or you think that you might be.

You might think it would make sense to apply one at a time, but applying for several loans at once could be a better idea. Try to get in your applications within a short period to show that you’re shopping around, rather than trying to get lots of loans.

Have Collateral You Can Use

If you have anything that you can secure a loan against, it can work in your favor when you need to borrow money.

A property is an asset that many people use for a secured loan, but there are other options too. You could borrow against your savings for another option. Other types of collateral could include vehicles and other valuable items, insurance policies, and even business equipment and machinery.

Don’t Have Too Much Debt

The best thing you can do if you want to make sure you can always get a loan or credit card is to make sure you’re not always applying for them. Having a credit card can be good for keeping your credit healthy, and a loan can help you spread the cost of large purchases. But you shouldn’t need to add to your debt continually.

You should try to keep your debts as low as possible while making sure that you have a credit history to prove your good track record.

Keep your finances in order, and you’ll always be ready to apply for credit or a loan when you need it.