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Having financial goals is so important. It can give you focus and help you to get to where you want to be. Trying to reach your financial goals, however, can be something completely different, and can also feel like a bit of an intimidating task. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all alone. There are a number of experts out there, who have achieved success by doing what they do, and want to share that with others, to help others to become more financially free. You do need to take some time, take action, and educate yourself. There are a number of books, blogs, websites, podcasts, and other online resources that can help you gain the knowledge that you need in a certain area. If you want to make a difference in your personal financial situation, then action is required. Not only that, but ignorance in a certain area shouldn’t be an excuse. If you don’t know how investing in something works, for example, then you need to step up your game and do the research that is required.

So with all of that in mind, here are some of the things that financial experts agree on. When it comes to being financially free and helping yourself to become sustainably wealthy.

Eliminate Bad Debt

You are not going to ever be financially free or in control of your finances, if you have the weight of debt around your neck. When money goes to paying off debts each month, you aren’t really in control of your money. In this instance, money controls you. When you are in debt it really can impact what you are able to do, and it can stop you from creating more wealth for yourself, as your money is tied up elsewhere. So eliminating bad debt is one of the first things that you should be focusing on. When you are in a better position to save money, then you can work towards a more stable financial future.

Of course, there will be some necessary debts that you have, such as a mortgage, car payments, and educational debt. Always budget around these debts, and where possible, pay more if you can, in order to shorten the length of time that these will be needed for.

Retirement Plan

You might think that retirement is way off and not something that you need to be thinking about. But it will come round at some point, and if you’re not prepared for it, then it could be pretty miserable trying to live off just a state pension. That is why you should think about planning for your future now. Are there pension plans that you can opt-in with your employer? How about setting up your own private pension scheme, or just creating a savings account that can’t be touched until the time is right? 

You could also look into other things that you can invest in now that can come into their own when you think about the future or retirement plans. No doubt you are already investing in something at the moment, but what about diversifying your plans? When you spread your investments, it can be more beneficial, especially if there are some uncertain or volatile markets. So as well as looking into stocks, you could also think about looking to buy Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, as well as things like property. There are a number of different areas that you could look to invest in, so you need to think about what is going to work best for you and what you know about. Go big or go home, as the saying goes. 

Make More Money

Making more money can be easier said than done, but having this kind of mindset is what is going to really help you as you think about your future and making sure that you are financially taken care of. There are a number of financial professionals that will tell you that you should focus your time and energy on looking to make more money, rather than struggling with the money that you currently have. When you think about it, there is no limit to your earning potential. There can be some obstacles or barriers, such as time and other lifestyle factors, but planning ways to make more money can be a more effective method than just cutting your expenses down. At the end of the day, you can only cut down your living expenses by so much. In order to thrive and to make sure that you are on the path to financial freedom, you need to not just survive. You need to make a plan to become a higher earner, whether that is working more than one job, building a business of your own, investing, retraining, or something else; it can all help.

Understand the Global Economy

Having an understanding of the global economy can make a difference when it comes to your financial freedom. Of course, there can be some scenarios that no-one would have ever expected, such as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. That has hurt the global economy hard, with so many closures of businesses. However, those that are going to be managing fine, are the people who have eliminated debt and who are living within their means. 

Having an understanding of the global economy can help you when it comes to making some financial decisions, whether that is from where to invest, when to invest, when to sell, and when to launch a business. Looking for different strategies on how to hedge your ‘bets’ or investments, alongside what is going on internationally, is part and parcel of making some sound investments, that will get you to where you want to be long-term.

Take action and make a plan, and then you will be on the right path to financial freedom. It can start at any time; as the saying goes, it is never too late. So what are you going to start changing today? It would be great to hear what you think.